The What's For Dinner Show
Join me as I discover how this daily call for nourishment has shaped our attitudes to food and cooking. Each week my guest and I will explore how our food memories have shaped our lives as well as our waistlines and also share our favourite foods and how we each go about putting food on the table to answer the daily call: ‘What’s for Dinner’?
The What's For Dinner Show
The What's for Dinner Show Trailer
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Welcome to The What's for Dinner Show a podcast for people who put food at the center of life.
My name is Lynne and I am your host.
Each episode I'm going to talk to my guests to discover how their food past has affected their food present, did eating at the dinner table every night instill a love of home cooking, or has it sent them scurrying off to the takeaway, has teenage dieting helped them control weight as an adult, or embedded some bad eating habits? Does the Christmas turkey dinner bring back fond memories of family life or visions of family strife?
Join me and my guests and discover how our food experiences shape our lives as well as our waistlines.