The What's For Dinner Show
Join me as I discover how this daily call for nourishment has shaped our attitudes to food and cooking. Each week my guest and I will explore how our food memories have shaped our lives as well as our waistlines and also share our favourite foods and how we each go about putting food on the table to answer the daily call: ‘What’s for Dinner’?
11 episodes
Coach Gary Knight explains how health scares gave him a passion for helping others
My guest Gary Knight believes that you must walk the walk not just talk the talk, so when his football career ended due to injury he embarked on a journey to become not just a great footy coach, but someone who now coaches others to live the fu...
Season 1
Episode 10

Managing the menopause naturally with my guest Alison Bladh, Nutritional Therapist
Alison is a Nutritional Therapist who specialises in helping women mitigate, minimise and manage the effects of the menopause through diet and lifestyle changes. Her mother was a professional-chef, but Alison believes it was also her own ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Bringing big name comedy to Somerset and sharing her journey to a healthier lifestyle; join me as I chat to Trish Caller of Genius PR and Events
Trish is THE NAME in Somerset for enticing comedy acts to visit the county and share their comedy genius. But laughter and mayhem have not always been her forte. Ten year's ago Trish was struggling with her weight and her mental health followin...
Season 1
Episode 8

Surviving COVID in The Falklands and the horror of Domestic Science lessons with Detective Constable Helen Taylor.
After growing up in Devon and a career in the MET Police, my guest travelled nearly 13,000km across the world to live and work in The Falklands Islands. What was it like to live, work (and eat) on this remote island during the COVID pandemic? D...

Talking Keith Floyd, keto diets and very strange sandwich habits with Michelle Beck.
Michelle Beck is the founder of the Taunton Independent Market which runs monthly in the town centre. After launching just days before COVID-19 hit the country, it has been a tough journey for Michelle, but persistence and a strong belief in th...
Season 1
Episode 6

From teenage body angst to pioneering modern-day salads with @madeleinesmeals, plus a recipe demo and taste test!
Maddie Dampier is a young woman with a passion for salads. After growing up eating not much else other than baked beans, she realised that the only way to ensure a healthly approach to her diet was to embark on a 'side hustle' to create and sha...
Season 1
Episode 5

Football, food and feeling good with Mo Hopkins and a deep dive (!) into fish and chips.
In this episode I am joined by youth football coach Mo Hopkins who works for Bridgwater and Taunton College and for Somerset County Schools FA training the future generation of football talent. We talk growing up around football and how M...
Season 1
Episode 4

A vegetarian love affair, a new spin on gin and who put the corn in corned beef?
From nutritional therapist to counsellor and now pop-up pub patron and gin entrpreneur, Becky Wright of New Leaf Workplace Well-being and the newly launched Dryad Inn on the Quantock Hills, is my guest on this episode. She takes us on her...
Season 1
Episode 3

How one step (class) lead to a healthier happier life.
My guest in this episode is Karie Crane from Karie's Health and Fitness who reveals her journey to becoming a super fit mum of three boys running her own business and living life to the max. It's an inspirational listen and proves we can all br...
Season 1
Episode 2

Vanilla slices on Sundays and does onion really count as a vegetable?
Foodie choices were limited for my first guest, Michael O'Halloran, who grew up in 1970s Ireland. Michael is my husband and he kindly volunteered to be my podcast 'guinea pig' interviewee allowing me to test my questioning skills and reve...
Season 1
Episode 1